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Latest BullCharts version?

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Category: BullCharts
Forum Name: BullCharts discussion
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Topic: Latest BullCharts version?
Posted By: rbbrain
Subject: Latest BullCharts version?
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2014 at 11:16am
This is to announce that the new Version 4 of BullCharts is in the very final stages of testing, and will be demonstrated at the Sydney Users' Round Table meeting on Thursday 17 July 2014. (This event has been advertised to all Sydney users in recent days.)

We expect to be able to release it very soon. Stay tuned for more details, including the lengthy "What's New in BullCharts Version 4" document.

Robert Brain (Brainy)
Convenor - Australian BullCharts User Group - Brainy's Share Market Toolbox and BullCharts Tips

Posted By: peter1
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2014 at 2:48pm
My apologies for not attending the Syd Round Table meeting as I'm very interested in doing so. 

I will go straight to the Bullcharts "Trading Expo" stand for all the info on the new version and I've a few queries about the current software (re. alerts). 

Posted By: stefanols
Date Posted: 03 Aug 2014 at 5:38pm

Anyone that have information when V4 will be out?

Best regards


Posted By: rbbrain
Date Posted: 04 Aug 2014 at 9:07am
Hi stefanols,

Version 4 is now in final beta testing with a small group of users. All being well, it will be broadly available very soon.

Robert Brain (Brainy)
Convenor - Australian BullCharts User Group - Brainy's Share Market Toolbox and BullCharts Tips

Posted By: rbbrain
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2014 at 9:08am
Hi all BullCharts users,

The new version 4 was in beta testing for some months earlier this year, and was then on limited release through August and into September. As of earlier this week, the update trigger message in the BullCharts software was enabled so that all users on an older version could "check for updates" on startup, and trigger a simple over-the-web update process.

To help explain the new features, and also offer a number of short instructional and informational videos, we have posted a new web page with details and video links here: -

Don't forget the Australian User Group meetings - - see details...


Robert Brain (Brainy)
Convenor - Australian BullCharts User Group - Brainy's Share Market Toolbox and BullCharts Tips

Posted By: grease
Date Posted: 27 Oct 2014 at 6:40pm
Hi Brainy,
        Don't know if this is the right thread but I want to talk about the new Version 4.
        I started using the new Version 4 last week. I find that the Portfolio tab has disappeared and with it all my portfolios. Has the portfolio tab really gone for good? Are there problems or is it just my download? Also another big problem for me is that the files will not open properly after I do a scan. Maybe it's because I'm using Windows 7. 64bit.
Got any ideas?

Can predict what might happen not what will happen.

Posted By: grease
Date Posted: 28 Oct 2014 at 11:07am
Hi Again,
       I have figured out what has happened to the old Portfolios tab. It will be fine but I will have to enter all my old trades again. Also a backup version of Bullcharts v3.9 is still loadable so I can look up my Portfolios on that.
To overcome the problem viewing scan charts I see there is a facility to turn them into a watchlist and then they behave correctly. So all looking good but some work ahead to enter Portfolios again.

Can predict what might happen not what will happen.

Posted By: rbbrain
Date Posted: 28 Oct 2014 at 2:44pm
Hi grease,
Sorry for delay in replying (we don't watch this forum all the time, as it is intended just for users to exchange ideas etc amongst themselves).
All support queries need to be directed to the support staff - see teh contact details on the BullCharts Contact web page: -
Robert B

Robert Brain (Brainy)
Convenor - Australian BullCharts User Group - Brainy's Share Market Toolbox and BullCharts Tips

Posted By: rbbrain
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2016 at 12:06pm
Since the last post below, version 4.1 was announced and delivered in 2015, and now version 4.2 is available (August 2016).  Please note that v4.2 is NOT supported on Windows XP.

The key updates for v4.2 are the move away from the Microsoft SQL database, to the OpenSource database system, allowing other exchanges to be included. So now you have access to: Commodities, US data, and several other exchanges. Each one is a separate database. To manage this, the BullCharts DataDownloader tool is installed, and is used each day in the background to manage the data updates at the end of each day.

Most users would have been running v4.0 or 4.1, where there is an option under the Help menu item to "Check for Update". With this option enabled, you would have already received the informational message at BullCharts start time that a new version is available.

To download the new version, follow the link to the official updates page - , where you will need to enter your BullCharts data login username and password. Make sure to read all information on the downloads page.

Even though all user data is stored outside the BullCharts system, it is prudent to take a Backup before applying any updates. You can do this inside BullCharts from the menu option: Tools > Backup.

Any problems with the update? - Refer to the support team:- -

Robert Brain (Brainy)
Convenor - Australian BullCharts User Group - Brainy's Share Market Toolbox and BullCharts Tips

Posted By: rbbrain
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2016 at 4:40pm
BullCharts Version 4.2has been available for a few months now, and version 4.3 with more enhancements is in the pipeline for release shortly.

Robert Brain (Brainy)
Convenor - Australian BullCharts User Group - Brainy's Share Market Toolbox and BullCharts Tips

Posted By: rbbrain
Date Posted: 10 Nov 2017 at 10:33am
*** Latest BullCharts Version?? ***

The latest version of BullCharts that is released for general use is version 4.4 (earlier in 2017). You can see some details on the - BullCharts home page , and download the latest version from - the downloads page (and enter your User name and Password for your BullCharts data plan access).

And there is currently some thought going into the next version, to incorporate some of the items from the general "wish list". If you have a suggestion that you consider to be really very important, then please let us know asap.

Robert Brain (Brainy)
Convenor - Australian BullCharts User Group - Brainy's Share Market Toolbox and BullCharts Tips

Posted By: stefanols
Date Posted: 23 Nov 2017 at 4:50pm


Regarding your post to have some input for the next version:

I have sent it earlier to bullcharts team but thought to make it available here as well. 

Therefore pl. find my top 5-7 suggestions that I would appreciate to have in next version. (no specific order but I think alerts are really important.)

 1.  Adjustable alert input window so you can change size (up to full size). Be able to post images and weblinks in the window. Like in scan description.

       2.2. An extra field in alerts in a editable drop down list. This so you can attach your strategy name for the specific alert in a swift and easy way. Also available as column in the alert manager.

3.      3. Implement global paths as described earlier so you do not have to change in watch lists etc. when you change location of Metastock folder.

4.       4. Alerts: created date and what time e.g. 12:11 the alert was triggered. Better control of old alerts and to know when during the day the alert was triggered. This as I use snap shots and BC ongoing during the day. New column in alert manager,

5.       5. To be able to set an alerts on indicators and not only volume, open, high, low and close. This is useful when doing e.g pair trades so you can see when they are triggered in the Bollinger bands.

6. Connect a hotkey to run alerts for better access to frequently used scans.

7. To be able to drill down to 1 hour resolution (perfect entry resolution for daily) for Metastock would have been great. 

NEW: 8. Add value to BC MS users to be able to work also with fundamental information. This could be done having just an excel file/SQL accessing the info from. You should be able to access the info from scan/detailed watchlist. Think you could do this without interfering with eventual subscription services that you offer. Infact this could be an eye opener to the mentioned service as it would be very light compared to what you offer here. For some markets e.g. Sweden you do not have this on the meny. 

That´s all from me. All metastock oriented as that is my use.

Good luck with the new version. Bullcharts rocks and is a fantastic trading tool. 

Best regards


Posted By: rbbrain
Date Posted: 24 Nov 2017 at 10:05am
Thank you Stefan,
I have now also sent this to the development team for further consideration.
It is good to hear great feedback about BC.
I think it's true to say that many of the Melb user group members agree with your last statement "BC rocks...".

Robert Brain (Brainy)
Convenor - Australian BullCharts User Group - Brainy's Share Market Toolbox and BullCharts Tips

Posted By: Gordon7
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2017 at 4:07pm
I have one enhancement that I'd like to suggest and something that I feel needs addressing :

I like the fact that the ex-div date can be identified on a chart though it's confined to just the latest date. It's valuable in the sense that if the dividend is significant it identifies the reason for any significant decline on the day (and sometimes beyond).  I would like this extended further if possible to be able to see the history of prior ex-div dates on the chart. 

The one thing I would like to see rectified is the data corruption that usually occurs following a share reconstruction. The latest 'likely' example is stock code LYC which traded as LYCDA for 7 days.
I usually wait till sometime after trading recommences under the original code and then contact Bullcharts support to have this rectified.

Posted By: rbbrain
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2017 at 9:43am
Thank you Gordon7 for the input,
I will forward the details to the Development team.
(To implement retention of past ex-div dates would probably require a change to the database structure, which might not be simple, nor easy).
Robert B
(Forum Moderator)

Robert Brain (Brainy)
Convenor - Australian BullCharts User Group - Brainy's Share Market Toolbox and BullCharts Tips

Posted By: rbbrain
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2018 at 9:52am
Oops! - Latest BullCharts version?

Most of us are now using version

Users can always download the latest version from the official Updates and Downloads page on the website - just go to - and click on the link down the left hand side.

Robert Brain

Robert Brain (Brainy)
Convenor - Australian BullCharts User Group - Brainy's Share Market Toolbox and BullCharts Tips

Posted By: rbbrain
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2021 at 3:58pm
For anyone in any doubt, the latest version of BullCharts is v5.1 (actually v5.1.15), and can be downloaded from - the downloads page (requiring login using your BullCharts Data username and password).

Robert Brain (Brainy)
Convenor - Australian BullCharts User Group - Brainy's Share Market Toolbox and BullCharts Tips

Posted By: stefanols
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2021 at 5:16pm

Do you know the status of saving also scans to workspaces?
I am on version, that was the latest version this was possible. 
Since then you can only save charts in workspaces.

For me and I guess many others it is important to be able to get the charts and
scans that belong to each other in one go. 

It is a known bug by Bullcharts.

Any workaround if not yet there?

Thanks in advance. 

Best regards


Posted By: rbbrain
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2021 at 3:47pm
Hi all,
Now, the latest version of BullCharts is v5.1.59. - See the Downloads page for a short list of what's new, and - this KB article for What's New in v5.1 details .

Robert Brain (Brainy)
Convenor - Australian BullCharts User Group - Brainy's Share Market Toolbox and BullCharts Tips

Posted By: Pokitren
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2022 at 7:55pm
Originally posted by rbbrain

Hi all,
Now, the latest version of BullCharts is v5.1.59. - See the Downloads page for a short list of what's new, and - this KB article for What's New in v5.1 - details

Cool Cool! Looking forward to the new version!

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