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Decluttering intraday signals

Printed From: BullCharts Forum
Category: BullCharts
Forum Name: BullScript
Forum Discription: Technical discussion related specifically to the BullScript programming language.
Printed Date: 14 Mar 2025 at 3:12pm
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Topic: Decluttering intraday signals
Posted By: cmacdon
Subject: Decluttering intraday signals
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2012 at 10:52am
Here is a technique developed over last couple of days to declutter signals for start of intraday trading.  (The Format/Time Axis/Hidden option did not produce small enough gaps between each day so this technique was developed).
I'll use my VSA signals example although the technique can be applied with the code below for any indicator which produces too many signals on smaller timeframe intraday bars.
Some self explanatory screen shots will be posted below.
Essentially I only want to see the signals over the first 10 bars at the start of each day to day trade astock.  Once in the trade normal trending techniques will show whether to stay or get out.
1.  Remove the cluttering indicator and put a vertical line on the first bar of each day.



{Identifies first bar of the day See Definition under Hour in Help}

[name=First Intraday bar; Width=1; linestyle=verticalmarker; Color=Black]


2) Amend the offending cluttered indicator by asdding code below to only show the signals on the first 10 intraday bars to allow a selection for the day during first hour of trading.




OpBar:=if(prelimOpBar OR Hist(prelimOpBar,1) OR Hist(prelimOpBar,2) OR Hist(prelimOpBar,3) OR Hist(prelimOpBar,4) OR Hist(prelimOpBar,5) OR Hist(prelimOpBar,6) OR Hist(prelimOpBar,7) OR Hist(prelimOpBar,8) OR Hist(prelimOpBar,9) OR Hist(prelimOpBar,10), 1,undefined);


And add into the normal  indicator signal codes this line


If (OpBar=1 AND … then rest of the indicator signal code

I will post charts separately below


BC User since June 2007

Posted By: cmacdon
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2012 at 10:53am

BC User since June 2007

Posted By: cmacdon
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2012 at 10:54am

BC User since June 2007

Posted By: cmacdon
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2012 at 10:55am

BC User since June 2007

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